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05.10.2011, 20:07


It is almost impossible to imagine our life without TV. It plays a great and a very important role in the life of modern man. There is practically no family that doesn't have a TV set. TV is one of the mass media kinds. Radio and newspapers tell us about different events but TV not only tells but also shows. TV has a lot of channels and everybody can watch the programs he likes. Our television suggests various programs: talk show and game show, news and sporting events, about animals and about foreign countries and so on. Soaps-lovers can watch their favorite films almost every day. TV shows us a lot of films of different countries: detective and melodrama, comedy and triller. As former I like to see adventure films, fantasy, comedies. My favorite sporting events programs are about volleyball, swimming, track-and-field athletics and gymnastic. I watch many programs with great interest. These programs are: a wild nature program, "Anshlag", some game shows and so on. There are a lot of films (most of them of foreign TV-companies) with a great number of corpses, with seas of blood now. It's not very good to my mind. I think that one of the aims of TV is to bring up TV-viewers, to cultivate love to our country, kindness and other positive features of character.

Категория: темы | Добавил: OKS108689
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